There are flowers in the grass among the Castles in the Gap in the Buttes on the prairie. |
In Harding County in northwest South Dakota, roughly 40 miles east of Montana, stand the Slim Buttes—a prominent pine ridge that looks rather out of place on the vast rolling prairie. The Buttes offer much to the curious naturalist. For example, in the northern part at Reva Gap, the land has shifted, tilted, slid, and slumped to create
the Castles. Some call this area badlands, meaning an environment so harsh that few plants survive. But that's not the case. Among the Castles are grasslands, and in the grasslands grow prairie wildflowers—my friends of many years.
The Castles are the high points of a curious landscape—a mix of flat to rolling grassy surfaces and very steep barren slopes. Erosion has obviously played a role, but why the flat grassy surfaces? And why do underlying strata tilt discordantly? The puzzling geology of northern Slim Buttes will be the subject of a later post (not promising any answers). What I offer here is much easier to understand—the appeal of wildflowers.
This year Harding County was blessed with a cool wet late spring, after two very dry years. When I visited in early June, the grasslands were still rich green, and it was tricky to photograph wildflowers among such vigorous grasses. Included here are four of the more cooperative species, supplemented with Flickr photos generously provided by Matt Lavin and Patrick Alexander (CC BY-SA 2.0 and Public Domain respectively).
The isolated patch of grassland on the little butte pictured below was filled with Grassy Death Camas, Zigadenus venenosus var. gramineus (1). As both the common and scientific names indicate, this is a poisonous plant. In fact it is one of the most toxic plants of the American West for livestock, and is highly resistant to herbicides. Dried plants may remain toxic for as long as twenty years (USDA Forest Service).
Cream-colored dots on the left half of the flat top are Grassy Death Camas. Cowboys and shepherds needn't worry for their wards here :) |
Several accessible individuals; it's hard to see their grass-like basal leaves. |
For us, there's no need to avoid Grassy Death Camas (just don't eat the bulbs). We can enjoy the elongate neatly-arranged bouquets without risk. The flowers are trimerous, in keeping with the general rule for monocots (2). Six cream-to-white tepals ("tepal" is used when sepals and petals look alike) and six stamens surround a yellow-green ovary topped with three styles. The grass-like leaves explain the varietal name,
Inflorescence with flowers progressively younger from bottom to top. Photo by Matt Lavin (Flickr). |
Flowery grassland below another curious Castle; note horizontal layers atop tilted. |
Most of the yellow dots in the grassland above are Lambstongue Ragwort,
Senecio integerrimus var.
integerrimus. It belongs to the Asteraceae (aster, daisy or sunflower family), and like all members, it has many small flowers clustered into tight heads that look like single flowers. This family used to be called Compositae, an apt name given that what at first glance appears to be one flower is actually a composite of many.
In this photo there are several dozen flower heads. Each head contains many flowers. |
Lambstongue Ragwort has two types of flowers in each head. In the center is a round cluster of tiny tubular disc flowers. The disc is surrounded by 5–8 ray flowers; these look like "petals" to the uninitiated. (In fact a ray is five fused petals. Go evolution!)
Now you can impress your friends on hikes! |
The leaves are said to be shaped like a lamb's tongue—anybody agree? |
A beauty hiding in the grass—spiderwort! |
Spiderworts were common but fairly well hidden, being shorter than the grasses. Fortunately their flowers are showy, and I arrived early enough to catch them fully open (they close as the day warms). Actually it wasn't all that early; they were still open because the weather was cool and damp.
This is the Bracted Spiderwort,
Tradescantia bracteata. The flowers are about an inch across and are trimerous, with three green sepals, three petals (color varies), six stamens, and a capsule divided into three sections. (You're correct; this is monocot.)
Click on the image and look closely at the unopened sepals of the buds. The mix of glandular and eglandular (not gland-tipped) hairs is diagnostic of this species. |
In his wonderful
Jewels of the Plains, Claude Barr noted that flowers of Bracted Spiderwort range from "sky-blue to mauve-blue to very dark, from light lavender through orchid and heliotrope to deep purple, and from pale pink, near apple-blossom, to deeper tones bordering on purplish red. (3) Occasional albinos are found." And all this can be within one small area of prairie! The spiderworts I saw were lavender to pink, with one albino.
Note the long green leaves, one on each side; toe of botanist's shoe for scale. |
White spiderwort flower, a nice bonus. |
Geum triflorum, a plant of many names. |
One of the more common wildflowers in the Castles grasslands is
Geum triflorum—also known as Three-sisters, Long-plumed Avens, Old Man’s Whiskers, Lion's Beard, and most commonly here, Prairie Smoke. The multiple names in popular use may be due to its wide range. It grows across much of Canada, south through the western US into Mexico, and across the northern part of the US to the east. But its ubiquity doesn't make it any less wonderful to find, whether in flower or fruit.
In bloom, Geum triflorum is easily recognized by its nodding reddish flowers, three per stem. These are the Three Sisters, and the basis for the specific epithet, triflorum. The small petals are cream to yellow, and usually are mostly hidden inside the reddish sepals. On each sepal is a slender spreading to recurved bract.
Things change dramatically later in the season as the seeds mature. The flowering stems straighten and the styles elongate, becoming erect clusters of feathery-tailed achenes ready to fly away with the wind. These are the Old Man's Whiskers, or Lions' Beards if you prefer. This is when
Geum triflorum makes its presence known. The many fuzzy heads visible above the grass look like smoke.
Click image to view plumose "seed tails"—persistent elongate styles. Photo by Matt Lavin (Flickr; cropped).
This is a small sampling of the wildflowers I saw amid the Castles, and surely a tiny fraction of what is out there, especially through the seasons. I look forward to returning. And I must thank the
few friends who knew of Slim Buttes for encouraging me to visit.
(1) Some readers familiar with this plant may be tisk-tisking. The accepted name now is Toxicoscordion venenosum var. gramineum. But because more than a few of us are still trying to remember the new genus name, I used the older one here. Note that the new name doubly emphasizes the plant's toxicity.
(2) Maybe you're like I was, curious as to whether grasses—one of the largest families of monocots—have trimerous flowers. I checked. Sure enough, the much-evolved grass flower is still a bit trimerous, with three stamens and a three-parted ovary.
(3) Native plants master gardener Claude Barr had an eye for variety, and collected and cultivated novel forms that he found in the field. This may explain his lengthy list of flower colors for our spiderwort.
Barr, Claude A. 1983. Jewels of the Plains. U. Minnesota Press.
Clark, Frances. What’s in Bloom on Sageflats and Sunny Foothills – Late June 2022. Teton Chapter, Wyoming Native Plant Society.
Flora of North America online.
Missouri Botanical Garden. Plant Finder.
Ode, David J. 2006. Dakota Flora; a seasonal sampler. SD State Historical Society Press.
USDA Forest Service. Fire Effects Information System (FEIS, online).