
Friday, October 31, 2014

On the Road: Final Geo-challenge

Where am I?  what's all that weird orange rock?!  maybe I was out too long.
Plants and Rocks is back from vacation, with one more geo-challenge to share.  But I had to wait until today to post it (hint).
It was a land of strange and eerie rock creatures – hundreds of them!
Those in the prime of life were spooky ...
... but the old and dying evoked sympathy.  Though made of rock, their lives are short.
Where on Google Earth? Click on image to see hordes of rock creatures southeast of parking lot.

(music – Ghosts in the Kitchen, © Poorpersons Enterprises 2003)


  1. I know! I know! You've been to the planet in "Galaxy Quest" where they found the beryllium spheres and the rock monster!!

    1. Not that planet, sorry to say ... but a bizarrely cool place nonetheless ;-)

  2. Death Valley might be appropriate to the season, though I would not be surprised if there were a Pumpkinhead Valley somewhere in the US.

    ...and a quick google reveals that you were showing the wrong end of the pumpkin in those pictures. An area of Wyoming with manganese and uranium.

    I'll be giggling for the rest of the night.

    1. Guess I'll have to 'fess up. It's Goblin Valley north of Hanksville, UT. Now I have to solve your puzzle: "the wrong end of the pumpkin in those pictures. An area of Wyoming with manganese and uranium." ?? any more hints?

  3. Near a river that sounds as though it should be dry. I am not kind when it comes to hinting.

    1. I woke up this morning with the answer! Pumpkin Buttes in Campbell County, near the Powder River. I shoulda known right away ... used to live not far east of them.
      Thanks Pat ... fun :-)

  4. I just searched "orange sandstone pumpkin" and got the wrong but interesting answer. Do you take geiger counters when you are hiking around there?
