
Sunday, December 1, 2013

What do you know about plants?

Photos courtesy Arthur Kruckeberg and Dan Poelma.
It's time for December’s Berry Go Round, a carnival for bloggers who write about plants.  You don't have to be a botanist to participate!  Poets write about plants, photographers take photos of plants, most us eat plants (favorite recipe?), and plants and rocks often are inextricably linked (hint, hint ... I hope some geo-bloggers contribute).

There are several ways to submit posts:
  • use the online submission form
  • tweet a link with the hashtag #berrygoround
  • provide a link in a Comment on this post (below)
  • tweet a link to @plantsandrocks
  • if you don’t blog yourself, you can email a guest post (text and/or photos) to In the Company of Plants and Rocks, by December 22
The submission deadline is December 26.  I'll post a summary with links to contributions at the end of the month.

Plants on rocks: 
Forest-grassland mosaic dictated by bedrock, Devils Tower, Wyoming.
Plants to rocks:
Petrified Miocene trees, eastern Washington.
Plants in rocks:
Digging up remains of semitropical trees at a Wyoming coal mine.  Source.
Plants in food:
Yucca petals are yummy in salads.
Plants in poetry:
And it would be the same were no house near.
Over all sorts of weather, men, and times,
Aspens must shake their leaves and men may hear
But need not listen, more than to my rhymes.

Whatever wind blows, while they and I have leaves
We cannot other than an aspen be
That ceaselessly, unreasonably grieves,
Or so men think who like a different tree.

shared by Anne Buchanan of the mermaid’s tale.


  1. I found a good post for this one: I may write up something new before the end of December that's relevant, but I'm not sure. So that one looks like it'll do, if I don't find something better.
