
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Signs -- context is everything

The National Park Service awarded me the highest rating, A1, for my work at Devils Tower National Monument.  Congratulations to self!

Well, actually ...
... it was my campsite, Site 1 in Loop A.

The sign above had a lot more impact when it was on the summit of Devils Tower.  I bet no one disobeyed!
Devils Tower in northeast Wyoming, a rock climber's paradise.
Unfortunately, someone took the Chief Ranger climbing less than a week after we put it there.  Now it's back at the top of the talus slope, where it's often ignored.

☞   ☜
These signs are my meager contribution of detritus for Accretionary Wedge #58 -- Signs!, kindly hosted by Evelyn Mervine.  With free time so scarce these days, I considered sitting it out ... but tectonic forces are hard to resist!

Sign?  What sign?
Ignorance is bliss.  Sparky the Geo-Dog enjoys freshly-exposed red beds.

1 comment:

  1. The Frontier Formation and Mowry Shale ring the Black Hills. The Frontier is younger, lies on top the Mowry. In the Black Hills area, not in the Big Horn Basin, the Frontier supports Ponderosa pine, the Mowry does not. The formations outcrop as long strips on the land throughout NW Wyoming. It is easy to follow them using the line of pines. I coined a new word for the Frontier Formation: "pinophillic". So I guess the Mowry would be "pinophobic". Now I've got two words to my credit

    Don Bailey, Denver
