
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More famous rock outcrops ...

Yes, another geo-quiz.  Recognize this location?  Note the steeply upturned white, red and buff sandstones, mingling with upturned brown igneous rocks (probably sills).  This mountain is quite famous ... historic even.  In fact, "we are standing on Hallowed Ground" (words of Dr. Brainerd Mears, Jr).  Hint:  Grove Karl Gilbert slept here!
Above -- view from the south.  Igneous rocks continue up slope out of view to right.
Igneous rocks up close; below, with snake weed (Gutierrezia) for scale.
View from west.  Outcrops in first photos are at base of slope on right (click to view).

Note:  answer will be posted at next opportunity for internet access.


  1. Based on Pinon-Juniper it has to be south of Denver.

  2. That looks like the Henry Mountains to me, but I've never been there, have only seen them from afar.

  3. Yep, Henry Mountains, south ... and west ... of Denver; specifically Mt. Hillers (see next post)
