
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Rock

I am grateful to guest blogger Ronn Koeppel for this scenic photo-post about Morro Rock, at the far end of the chain of volcanic plugs that heads west from San Luis Obispo, California, to the Pacific coast (geo-info by Hollis).
It's another foggy day at Morro Bay.
Look ... there's something looming in the fog!
It's Morro Rock.  Some say it makes its own weather ...
... kinda looks that way.
The Rock in the distance, beyond Morro Bay and the sandspit.

Morro Rock is the westernmost of the “Nine Sisters”, remnants of a string of 25-million-year-old volcanos.  There actually are ten sisters, or maybe 13, or perhaps as many as 30 if you count all the little ones.  Photos above and below from ArcGIS Online, click to view.
Hollister Peak, another of the Sisters.  Photo by Hollis, Ronn for scale.
The sun sets quite literally on Morro Rock.

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